About Eat the Scroll Ministry
Michael Howard, MA. the founder of Eat the Scroll Ministry developed this ministry through an encounter with the scriptures. Feeling a deep sense of a call to ministry by the Holy Spirit, Mr. Howard read the Book of Ezekiel, where God prepared the prophet by instructing him to “Eat the Scroll.” In other words, study the Bible to lead others to a personal encounter through Scripture and Tradition, the two major avenues to God’s Revelation.
Mr. Howard received his MA in Church Ministry/Spirituality at St. Mary's University Seminary, Ecumenical School of Theology and holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies at Washington Bible College. Presently, Mr. Howard facilitates and teaches Online courses for the University of Dayton. He instructs the certification program "My Catholic Faith Delivered" for parishes in the Archdiocese of Washington and provides instruction for the Military Archdiocese. He served as an "Inculturation Consultant," and is a National Speaker for Sadlier’s Publications. Mr. Howard is a Prayer Leader for “Young Neighbors in Action” Catholic Service Learning, Youth With Heart. Mr. Howard worked as a Coordinator of the Religious Education for St. Margaret of Scotland: Pastoral Associate at St. Francis De Sales and Director of Religion at Incarnation Church. He worked at St. Francis Xavier Academy as a liturgy specialist for the school. Mr. Howard served on the Pastoral Care staff of volunteers at Doctor's Community Hospital visiting the sick. Mr. Howard founded and directed the Eat the Scroll Ministry which conducts retreats, Bible Study programs, and revivals. Eat the Scroll Ministry also published a reflection booklet, Hallelujah People, A Daily Reflection on the Gospels for African American Catholics. Mr. Howard is married to Charlene, who on many occasions accompanies him in ministry. They have four children and four grandchildren.
The goal of this ministry is to provide materials that speak to the rich and unspoken traditions of Black Catholics. Participants in this cyberspace venue will encounter Black spirituality through scripture reading, reflections, videos, poetry and other methodologies to embrace God’s love for his people.
What is Eat the Scroll Ministry history?
In 1990, Mr. Howard was asked to provide some resources for Black Catholics in the Archdiocese of Washington. He first started out with a publication called “Hallelujah People, A Daily Reflection booklet on the Gospels.” The first publication, a greeroots production, came out in the spring time focusing on Pentecost. The first set of reflections was a great success. From there, creating a team of writers, Charlene (wife) and two dear friends (Donna Grimes and Paul Washington) the Ministry embarked on a spiritual journey of eating scroll to provide daily reflections on the gospels from a Black Catholic experience. Later, this ministry grew to include writers nationally. After 15 years of printing and publishing these booklets, life circumstances caused the ministry to stop the publications.
Who Sponsored this Web page?
Eat the Scroll Ministry sends a hearted thanks to the Portland, Or, household of the Brotherhood of the People of Praise. Through their generosity, Eat the Scroll Ministry was able to launch this present webpage. I know that my God will continue to supply the Brotherhood of the People of Praise with an abundance of blessings through Christ Jesus."