Third Sunday of Lent
The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water, so that I may not be thirsty..." (Jn 4:5-42)
Is there a more relevant song that correlates to the Samaritan Woman's plight than the lyrics by Michael W. Smith's piece titled "Breathe?" The opening verse reverberates with a testimony of how we breathe air, causing God's presence to reside in us. In the next stanza, the writer reminds us of the Lord's Prayer: In the song, we hear how God's spoken word is our daily bread. The music at this stage bridges to a prayerful pleading of desiring God. The songwriter expresses a hunger for God, saying, "And I, I'm desperate for you."
After hearing Jesus speak about the water from the well where they met, the Samaritan Woman knew that Jesus was right. She would again thirst for water from the well. The Samaritan woman was sick and tired of being ostracized and pushed to proceed alone to a well during the midday that did not satisfy her hunger for God. The Samaritan woman was desperate. This Samaritan did not care if she broke traditions on this day. Instead of revealing her spiritual need or elaborating on her internal desires, she demanded living water from Jesus, saying, "Sir, give me this water, so that I may not be thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water."
What about us? Are we thirsty for the living water that can satisfy our souls? Has absence from the church caused hunger in your soul, or are you singing along with Michael W. Smith, "And I'm desperate for you / And I'm, I'm lost without you"?
For this reason, Jesus moves the dialogue to reflect on the idea that we must worship in Spirit and truth. After all, a time is coming when we will gather in our sacred places of worship. How will we worship the Lord after being away from our church home? Will we, being a little older or wiser, fall on our needs and worship as if nothing has changed?
Pray on this verse. Father, "the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; and indeed the Father seeks such people to worship him. God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth."
After Jesus spoke these words and announced that he was the Messiah, the Samaritan Woman knew she was drinking living water. The Messiah quenched her hunger for the absolute truth.
Virtual worship is fair, but a time is coming when we must all return as the Body of Christ and worship in Spirit and truth. Nothing is better than physical communal worship. "And I am desperate for you." Pray and play the video below. See you in church soon.
Authored: Evangelist Michael P Howard, MACS