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Trinity Sunday

June 7, 2020

"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son."John 3:16-18

This is the most quoted verse of the Bible. I have wondered in these past weeks- how has God’s love been recognized by the very world for whom He sacrificed His only begotten Son?

The love of God is self-sacrificing! Today Holy Trinity Sunday is all about the love that emanates between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Theologian, Karl Rahner refers to the love relationship that exists between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as, the Radical Equality. Let us think about that for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.

The dynamic relationship that allows the Triune God to be so radical in its equality is centered on self-sacrificing, unconditional love.  Love is the integral force that flows throughout the relationship. It provides evidence that authentic love is energy that is radical and generates change. It is not an accident that the Trinity is often symbolically shown as an equilateral triangle. That same triangle in physics represents the delta force that symbolizes energetic change.

God, who is the creative force in the Trinity forms us and molds us in the image and likeness of God’s Imago Dei. God, who is Savior- enters into our human existence that we may have life and the pursuit of life so abundantly that we might have life on earth as it is in heaven. The Holy Spirit- the Wisdom of God-the Sophia Spirit, She who is the giver of life, who empowers us and sanctifies us and brings us the source of unspeakable joy and peace.

One God Three Divine ways of being in the language of Rahner. So I ask the question- how do we in the world emulate the three ways of divine being, as those who are created in the image and likeness of the Radical Equality?  

How prophetic that so many have laid down their lives this week for the love of a brother- a brother who lived for peace but died at the hands of those who knew not peace and knew not love. How prophetic that it was the death of one that has drawn so many together across all boundaries to insist for the radical equality to be given to those who are seen as the least in the world?

How prophetic that from the lips of a little daughter- we hear the wisdom of a Sophia Spirit echoing, “My daddy has changed the world!”  Yes! A spirit of change, a delta force is sweeping across the world.

God so loved the world and did not come to condemn it. We as the Imago Dei of God in Black also give up our lives over and over again- as sacrificial lambs! Our voices cry out “no justice no peace.” We cry out not just Abba but also Momma. Not to destroy the world but to challenge the world to move toward radical equality.

Those who refuse to live within the context of this radical equality have already condemned themselves- because they have rejected love. God is love and those who reject the command to love of his brothers and sisters have indeed rejected the greatest gift of all!

Author: Dr. Valerie D. Lewis-Mosley 

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